October 2, 2012


Quiet Time doesn’t need to be complicated.  Something your child would usually enjoy out of their room can be easily repackaged as a special quiet time activity.  We like puzzles that our child has been successful with in the past.  Ensuring an activity your child can do independently and successfully is key!

Wander over to Pinterest for some more Quiet Time Inspiration.

August 18, 2012

As a sleep consultant, I always suggest maintaining “Quiet Time” when naps begin to ebb.  It encourages independent play, but it also allows them to rest and even nap if they wish.

As a parent, I NEED Quiet Time.  A few minutes to myself to “regroup” is enough to recharge my parent batteries.

When I can keep my daughter interested in something interesting, quiet time is much more successful.

Felt boards are fun and quiet.  It’s a great way to foster imaginative play.  We have super girlie and very pink/purple ballerinas.  There are lots of options from Creatology, which they carry at Michaels.  We always seem to get flyers that include coupons for 40% off (check the front of the store for flyers, or if you can’t find one, I believe you can join a email list and they’ll offer you the deal).

There are a tonne of options available from Etsy as well!