Founder and Curator of Sweet Dreams
As a mother of three young children, Krista is a firm believer in the power of sleep to lead to happier and healthier family. Armed with the understanding of the basics for healthy sleep, Krista took her enthusiasm to train with the Family Sleep Institute. Through her studies and experiences, it’s her goal to improve the well being of each family. Krista takes an individualized approach with each client, ensuring to consider family goals and the temperament of the child.
Krista holds an honours degree from the University of Waterloo. She’s an advocate for a fun, balanced, healthy and active lifestyle. When she’s not helping families get much needed rest, Krista occupies herself by running with her dog, crafting with her 8 year old, gracefully losing at card games with her 6 year old, singing with her preschooler and daydreaming about her next home renovation project.
Read more about Krista’s personal sleep journey here.
Education & Training
- Infant & Toddler Sleep Consultant Certification, Family Sleep Institute
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome for Professionals, Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
- Sleep Consulting with Families Who Have Children with Special Needs, Debbie Sasson, PsyD
- Postpartum Depression & Other Postpartum Mood Disorders, Sarah Stern, Ph.D.
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management, Eliot Katz, MD
- Children at High Risk for Sleep Disordered Breathing, Indra Narang, MD
- Management of Sleep Disordered Breathing, Sherri Katz, MD
- Advanced Surgical Techniques in the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Evan Props, MD
- Dentistry and Sleep Disordered Breathing, Iris Kivity-Chandler, MD
- Sleep Disorders in Children and Youth with Developmental Disorders, Golda Milo-Manson, MD
- Sleep Disorders in Children: Clinical Cases, Glenda Bendiak, MD and Allison Zweerink MN, NP
- Childhood Narcolepsy, Brian Murray, MD
- Evaluation of the Sleepy Child, Reshma Amin, MD
- An Approach to the Evaluation and Management of Paediatric Parasomnias, Shelly Weiss, MD
- Common Behavioural Childhood Sleep Disorders, Glenda Bendiak, MD
- Sleep in Infants and Children, Reshma Amin, MD and Robyn Stremler, RN, PhD
- The Evaluation of Sleep Problems in Adolescence, Rose Geist, MD and Shelly Weiss, MD
- Potty Training and It’s Effects on Sleep, Ashley Hickey
- Communication and the Family Meeting: “Recipes for Success”, Sharyn Timmerman, ECE
- Chiropractic & Childhood Sleep Disturbances, Glory Eidt, DC
- Sleep Ecology and Development in Early Infancy, Helen Ball, PhD
- Pediatric Sleep Opportunities & Considerations, Shalini Paruthi, MD; Joel Porquez, BS, RST/RPSGT, CCSH; Robert Rosenberg, MD, FCCP
- The Incidence , Pathophysiology and Treatment GERD During Infancy, Warren Shapiro, MD
- The Assessment and Management of Common Behavioral Sleep Problems in Children, Judy Owens, MD
- Evaluating the Sleepy Child – Childhood Narcolepsy, Brian Murray, MD
- Parasomnias in children, Sundeep Bola, MD
- Update in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Disorders, Suhail Al-Saleh, MD
- The Changing Paradigm of Paediatric OSA – Obesity related OSA, Indra Narang, MD
- The Role of the ENT Surgeon in Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing, Evan Propst, MD
- Non-Surgical therapies of OSA, Reshma Amin, MD
- The Role of Dentistry in Pediatric Sleep Disorders, Benjamin Pliska, MD
- Sleep Problems in Adolescence / Young Adults, Clodagh Ryan, Ph.D, and Alene Toulany, MD
- Behavioural Sleep Disorders & their Management, Golda Milo-Manson, MD
- Basic Neurophysiology & Neurochemistry of Sleep, Eric Powell, PhD, RPSGT
- A Review of Behavioural Aspects of Children’s Sleep, Luci Wiggs, DPhil
- Memory, Sleep Architecture and Learning Potential, Carlysle Smith, PhD
- Sleepiness and Driving in Adolescents, Arina Bingeliene, MD
- Later School Start Times: Absenteeism down, Alertness up, Jennifer Chan, MEd.
- Stress, Coping and Sleep in Teens, Gilla Shapiro, MA, MPA, MPP
- Sleep scheduling, circadian factors and education, Richard Ferber, MD, FAASM
- The interplay between sleep and the development of executive functioning in preschool age children, Graham Reid, PhD & J. Bruce Morton, PhD
- Clinical Case Presentation, Cara Ooi, MD
- Bad Behaviour at School: Can Bad Sleep Play a Role?, Sharon Chung, PhD
- Basic Neurophysiology & Neurochemistry of Sleep, Eric Powell, PhD, RPSGT
- Busting Myths About Breastfeeding & Sleep, Jessica Brodey, JD, CLC
- Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: The #1 Complication of Pregnancy and Postpartum, Birdie Gunyon Meyer, RN, MA
- Psychological Effects of Birth Trauma, Georgina Clifford, BSc DClinPsy
- Common breastfeeding myths and problems – applied to sleep, Lyndsey Hookway, BSc RNC HV IBCLC
- Inadequate sleep as a contributor to obesity and type 2 diabetes in children, Dr. Jean-Philippe Chaput, PhD
- When Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy fails in a child with sleep apnea: What to do next?, Dr. Ian MacLusky, MBBS, FRCP(C)
- Harms of blue light exposure prior to bed and possible solutions, Dr. Shadab Rahman, PhD
- Melatonin Treatment: When to use, when not to use, and why?, Dr. Colin Shapiro, MBBCh, FRCPC, PhD
- No child should start school before 8:30am, Dr. Rafael Pelayo, MD
- Two challenging neurology-related sleep cases in kids, Dr. Arina Bingeliene, MD
- Clinical case: OSA with symptoms of ADHD, Dr. Said AlKaabi, MD
- Interesting sleep studies in kids, Dragana Jovanovic, RSPGT & Inna Voloh, RSPGT
- ADHD & Sleep: Why do we Need to Screen for Sleep Disorders in ADHD?, Laurel Etkin-Spigelman, BA, BEd Institute
- ADHD & Sleep: What Don’t we Know about Sleep in ADHD?, Dr. Sharon Chung, PhD
- A review of pharmacologic options for common sleep disorders in children, Dr. Rafael Pelayo, MD