March 24, 2016

Read THIS before you sleep trainI’m fortunate to work with the families who seek me out.  If you’re looking to hire a sleep coach, it’s probably because you’ve already chatted with your sister, mother, friends, Google and possibly even strangers on the internet, in search of sleep solutions.  The families who ultimately hire me are ready and highly committed to see change.

If you’re considering sleep training, whether on your own or with a sleep coach, this is the kind of thing you want to do once, do right and never have to worry about again.  After working with hundreds of families over the years, these are some of my top considerations before proceeding with sleep training.

  • Give it time – Poor sleep habits did not develop overnight.  It’s not reasonable to expect a complete change in habits in a single night. Give sleep training a fair shot before evaluating success or failure.
  • Commit and be consistent – There is no “kinda sleep train.”  You’re in or your out. If you have an awareness that you can’t commit, you’re not ready or it doesn’t feel like the right move, that’s ok too. Don’t embark upon sleep training until you’re absolutely ready.
  • Be healthy – Illness can limit sleep quality. An underlying health issue (something more acute, like colds, flu or ear infections) warrants holding off on sleep training until baby is well. More complex chronic issues like allergies, digestive issues or even heart conditions, could warrant some special instructions from your child’s paediatrician. Check with your doctor before beginning.
  • Set age appropriate goals – Goals are an important way to measure success. A four month old who sleeps through the night without feeds or a 4 year old with a nap and an early bedtime might not be appropriate. Understand what a reasonable quantity and allocation of sleep should look like for each age.
  • The small stuff IS the big stuff – I’ll let you in on a little secret… sleep training ISN’T about crying it out or what sleep training method you choose. Great routines, awesome timing, an ideal environments – these are what can make or break your success.
  • Right method for your family – Choose a strategy you can be consistent with. It doesn’t have to be cry it out. If you can’t follow through, it’s not the right method.
  • Have a plan – Discuss bedtime, night waking and nap time scenarios with your partner, consider options, agree to a plan and then follow through.  Sleep sabotaging decisions are made at 2AM when fatigue and emotion takes over.  Stick to the plan!
  • Engage all care providers – The more consistency you can offer, the more likely you’ll achieve success. Child care provider(s) can help in working towards those goals.
  • Support network – Maybe this means you and your partner, maybe this means putting a good friend or relative on standby, maybe this means hiring a sleep coach. If sleep training were easy, we’d all have sleeping babies, I wouldn’t have a job and you wouldn’t be reading this post. You’ll need a support network in place. Friends or family who are not supportive can and should be avoided.

Alright parents, what’s your best advice to share with other families?



About the author:

KristaGuenther Krista is a mother of 3 (+1 dog who believes she’s people), a wife to a wonderful husband, and the owner and founder of Sleeperific.  Even though she’s been in the sleep consulting biz for 4 years, she still gets excited when she’s hired by a sleepy family.
February 1, 2016
Bedtime Battles

Toddler trouble? Preschooler problems? Maybe bedtimes mean full blown tantrums at your house? Or perhaps bedtimes are just a little more stressful than you’d like them to be?

Bedtimes can be better. With a few simple changes, you can make bedtime a more positive experience for your family.

Make Bedtime Battles a thing of the past

Take the battle out of bedtime

  1. Fill that attention basket – Every child has their own “attention basket” which needs to be filled at the conclusion of the day. If positive attention isn’t available or if the basket is not full, attention seeking will continue, even if it means filling their basket with negative attention.  The solution? Fill those baskets: approximately 15 minutes of dedicated parent and child time per day will do the trick. Find something special you and your child like to do together. It can be reading, playing a game, crafting, puzzling, colouring, etc…
  2. Routine Chart – Take the power out of bedtime routines. You’re not the boss dictating the flow of a routine. The child is not the boss either. Allow a chart to be a boss. This is not a reward based chart.  Check out a sample for you to download here (colourable! or make your own with your child!). Your child can follow the chart and tell you what comes next, allowing them to feel in control.Routine Chart Download
  3. Cut the tech – Turn off the television, tablets, computers and smartphones, at least 2 hours before bedtime. We know screens limit melatonin production. That means it’s harder to fall asleep if you’ve been using technology before bed. Quite simply, screens limit sleep from a behavioural and biological perspective¹,². Make a media plan with your family. Use a tool like OurPact to manage devices.  Make bedrooms a no tech zone.
  4. Consistency – If bedtime is 7:30PM Sunday, 8PM on Tuesday and 9PM on Saturday; that’s a loose definition of bedtime. Add in a child who is aware of the clock, and you’ll be in negotiations around bed timing because, well, bedtime seems negotiable. Select an age appropriate bedtime, based on sleep needs. Children need a regular amount of sleep on weekdays and weekends, therefore, a regular bedtime. Respect your child’s need for sleep.
  5. Choices, choices, choices – Offer choices to give a sense of power, all day long, but especially at bedtime. Ensure options are age appropriate; instead of “What would you like to wear to bed?” use “Would you like your car pyjamas or your baseball pyjamas?” Not “What would you like for a bedtime snack?” but “Would you like blueberry or strawberry yogurt?” Handing over power in situations that matter less means compliance in situations that matter more.
  6. Mind the message – Is “go to bed” or “go to your room” a punishment? If sleep has a bad rap in your home, consider yourself sleep’s newest marketing manager. Make bedtime a positive time of day, with routines your family looks forward to. Talk about the benefits of sleep for mind and body (“Sleep helps us grow strong and be smart”, “We can do so many fun things when we’ve had a good sleep”, “When we’re tired, we all feel yucky”).  Keep bedrooms a positive space.



About the author:

KristaGuenther Krista is a mother of 3 (+1 dog who believes she’s people), a wife to a wonderful husband, and the owner and founder of Sleeperific.  Even though she’s been in the sleep consulting biz for 4 years, she still gets excited when she’s hired by a sleepy family.


[1] Thompson, D. A., & Christakis, D. (2005). The association between television viewing and irregular sleep schedules among children less than 3 years of age. Pediatrics, 116(10), 851-856.

[2] Barlett, N.D., Gentile, D.A., Barlett, C.P., Eisenmann, J.C., et al. (2012). Sleep as a mediator of screen time effects on children’s health outcomes. Journal of Children and Media, 6(1), 37-50.

December 12, 2015

12 Days of Christmas from Sleeperific - Day 12$100(CAD) Gift Certificate from Brag About It

SOOOO excited about this one.  This giveaway is just for the Mamas!

Owner Melissa is a Mama, just like you and I, but she also happens to be über talented making stunning, meaningful hand-stamped jewellery.  You have $100 to spend on ANYTHING in her store.  Go on, just check out her Etsy shop and try to pick just one thing…

Enter below from now until December 12.

Winners will be announced here on December 14th, 2015.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Missed our previous Days of Christmas Giveaway?

Visit Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5, Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9, Day 10 and Day 11 to enter while you can!

December 11, 2015
sleep coach

Teething Necklace & Bracelet Set from Bambino Land

I wasn’t aware of these fabulous necklaces and bracelets, until I was gifted one from a client.  What a genius product!  These are great bracelets and necklaces for Mama to wear, but teething-baby friendly.  These products are an entirely safe way to soothe and entertain that child who wants to put everything in their mouth.

We also love Teething Bling, because it was started by a Mum, just like us. They support organizations like Dress for Success and is environmentally and responsibly made without PVCs or phthalates.

Enter below from now until December 12.

Winners will be announced here on December 14th, 2015.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Missed our previous Days of Christmas Giveaway?

Visit Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5, Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9 and Day 10 to enter while you can!

December 10, 2015

12 Days of Christmas by Sleeperific - Day 10Organic Crib Sheet from Bambino Land

Love these sweet, colourful sheets from Bambino Land.  Manufactured with organic cotton, and responsibly made in Asia, these sheets are a perfect addition to your nursery. Check out the Bambino Land product line for more great options for your bambino!

Enter below from now until December 12.

Winners will be announced here on December 14th, 2015.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Missed our previous Days of Christmas Giveaway?

Visit Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8 and Day 9 to enter while you can!  

December 8, 2015
sleep consultant

Swaddle Blankets from Lulujo Baby

Cute, soft and strong!  We loved these blankets for more than just swaddling… an ad hoc blanket for privacy, shade or even spit up management.  Almost 5 years later, my son still sleeps with his swaddling blanket from when he was a newborn.  We love this Canadian company!

Enter below from now until December 12.

Winners will be announced here on December 14th, 2015.

Contest available only to residents of Canada.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Missed our previous Days of Christmas Giveaway?

Visit Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5, Day 6 and Day 7 to enter while you can!)

December 3, 2015

12 Days of Christmas from Sleeperific - Day 3 On the third day of Christmas, my sleep coach gave to me:

Sleep Bag from Wee Urban

Made with organic bamboo and cotton, right here in Canada, Wee Dreams™ Sleep Bags feel like a very cozy sweatshirt. We love sleep sacks because they’re a safe way to keep babe covered, especially in winter months.  We’ve also found them to be breathable enough to wear in warmer seasons.  Super cute prints, beautiful colours and generous sizing options make these sleep sacks a must have for every nursery!

Enter below from now until December 12.

Winners will be announced here on December 14th, 2015.

Contest available only to residents of Canada.

<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', 'http://www generic’, ‘a Rafflecopter giveaway ‘);” id=”rcwidget_jd2ef0d8″ class=”rcptr” rel=”nofollow” data-raflid=”48e09ddc5″ data-theme=”classic” data-template=””>a Rafflecopter giveaway

Missed our previous Days of Christmas?

Visit Day 1, and Day 2 to enter while you can!

December 2, 2015
12 Days of Christmas from Sleeperific - Day 2

On the second day of Christmas, my sleep coach gave to me:

25 Mini Cookies from The Teeny Tiny Bakery

Each of these cookies is beautifully handmade and iced in The Teeny Tiny Bakery kitchen in Toronto, Ontario.  25 means you have enough for an advent calendar, if you can stop yourself from eating them all in one sitting.

Jackie and her crew create beautiful custom cookies for every occasion.  We’ve been lucky to enjoy many of Jackie’s creations over the years, and they’re always impeccable and always delicious.

Enter below from now until December 12.

Winners will be announced here on December 14th, 2015.

Contest available only to residents of Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Missed our previous Days of Christmas Giveaway?

Visit Day 1 to enter while you can!

December 1, 2015
12 Days of Christmas from Sleeperific - Day 1

On the first day of Christmas, my sleep coach gave to me…

Snack Bag Set from Bugaboo Baby Designs

We LOVE these bags.  We use them for MANY on-the-go purposes: for snacks (obviously), storing small toys on road trips, or wet hand/face cloths when we head out to eat.  They’re well made, right here in Canada by a work-at-home Mama. They come in a number of adorable prints pioglitazone 30 mg.  They’re reusable. Wipe with a damp cloth or throw in the laundry.  And the best part is that my toddler can independently open and close them!

Check out Bugaboo Baby Designs on Etsy for more fabulous products and designs.

Enter below from now until December 12.

Winners will be announced here on December 14th, 2015.

Contest available only to residents of Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

December 24, 2012

Postcards from Austria

Photo 2012-12-22 2 06 11 PM

We love Germany and Austria.  We got in some great skiing.  Our hotel offered lots of great activities for the kids, including child care, indoor play centres, swimming and watersliding.  We even went tobogganing.

Photo 2013-01-05 3 35 58 PM

Note the happy faces! Little did we know that down the mountain, with our 2 and 4 year old was INSANE. It was icy. Steering on an alpine sled is all about sturdy, grippy, hard soled footwear. I had on smooth bottomed Ugg-style boots. We went around our first corner to a family standing there rearranging themselves. I had 3 choices: taking out the family, going off a ledge with my 4 year old or stopping ourselves in a fairly uncoordinated way. We opted for the last option and took a pretty serious tumble – she was fine (I pulled her out of the way before Oma almost drove us over), but I hit my head pretty hard – more on that to come. The little guy loved it though. I could hear his requests for “faster, faster” from further up the hill.  Our fearless little adventurer.

Photo 2013-01-05 3 34 47 PM